DeliBee Traditional Products

Hello and welcome! Our honey is of the purest and finest pine honey and we are the sole producers of this quality product in the village of Panagia on the island of Thassos! Our grandfathers have passed their beekeeping skills and knowledge to us and together in 2015, my mother and I started a family business called DeliBee. The name comes from the shortened word "delicatessen" and "bee", the basic ingredient being honey from the honey bee!
We've been doing our best to provide our customers, locals living here and tourists visiting our beautiful island, with the highest quality. We ensure all products we sell are genuine from my village Panagia, from my island Thassos, and from my country Greece. This is very important for us because there are many fake and diluted or adulterated products in the marketplace today. Have peace of mind that what you receive from us will be 100% pure and local.
We offer a wide range of honey products from a number of reliable producers. Other products are also available at Deli Beeꓽ From all kinds and varieties of traditional Thassian and award-winning Greek organic foods to cosmetics made from olive oil. As well as these products, you can find handmade souvenirs that suit every taste and pocket.
Come and visit us at our shop in Panagia! We are on the main road next to the village pharmacy. Also, visit us on social media or even shop online from our website if you can't wait to come. We can ship the products you want directly to your home, where ever you are!
My mother, Eleni, and I, Katerina are waiting to assist you with great pleasure!
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